The Vice Chancellor has graciously approved the conduct of GNS Mop Up examination for students of 2019/2020 and below. The schedules and requirements are as follows:
Day 1: Courses
Monday 30th May, 2022
GNS 111, GNS 112, GNS 113 and GNS 121
Day 2:
Tuesday 31 May, 2022
GNS 211, GNS 221, GNS 222 and GNS 223
Venue: ICT Centre
Time: 10.00 am
I. Payment of ten thousand naira (410,000) only to GNS Imprest Account : 6060288261, Fidelity Bank
II. Teller or receipts of payments for GNS books.
III. Payment of one thousand naira (1,000) per course for logistics to GNS Imprest Account
IV. A printout of complain page as contained in RMS portal (the last page)
(V) Payment of five hundred (500) naira cash to RMS Unit at examination venue
Kindly communicate to all affected students in your various departments.