The Vice-Chancellor of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Professor Ozo-Mekuri Ndimele has graciously approved a one-week extension for payment of school fees for all returning students (years 2----4). The new date for closure of the portal for school fees payment is Friday, 4th June 2021.
This period of grace is to enable all returning students who have not paid their school fees to do so before the new closing date. Please take note that after the deadline, the portal will be closed and late payment of school fees will attract an additional 50% surcharge.
All returning students are again advised to take advantage of this period of grace to pay up their fees as there will be no further extension of date.
By this notice, the information and Communication Technology Unit is directed to shut down the University portal by midnight of Friday, 4th June, 2021.
K.H. Kue-Ikoro (Mrs)