How to find a higher education course abroad you're eligible for

How to find a higher education course abroad you’re eligible for

Finding a higher education course overseas has never been simpler, especially since Hotcourses Abroad launched our Ultimate Search course search in the summer.

It’s easy to simply search for overseas courses based on your preferences like subject, destination and study level. But what do you do when you don’t meet the entry requirements for these courses?

With Hotcourses Abroad’s Ultimate Search, you can enter specific information about yourself so we can match you to higher education courses which meet these. That means you’ll be suggested courses which you can actually apply for and have a good chance of being accepted to.
When you search, you’ll be asked to provide the following information about yourself:

• Your academic qualification
• English language test score
• Budget for tuition fees

You can also enter your preferences such as region in the country, length of study and study mode. Once you’ve submitted this information and search, you’ll be suggested institutions which offer courses which meet your search criteria and preferences. You’ll also be suggested courses which almost meet your search criteria so you can see what else is available (and how amending your search will affect your options).
You can read more information about a university, including how many matching courses they offer. You can also see where they ranked in the most recent world university rankings and how Hotcourses Abroad users have rated them in student reviews on our site.
If you’re happy with what you’ve read about the institution, you can browse the courses they offer which we’ve suggested based on your search. Here you can read information about the course such as cost and length of study.

When you’ve found a course you like the sound of, you can do one of several actions:

• Contact the institution to learn more about them, the course you’ve been reading about or something else.
• Download a prospectus to learn more about the institution (this is their official prospectus which you can keep on your desktop computer, tablet or phone)
• Visit their website to learn more about them
• Apply to that course directly through our free i-Apply service

Already thousands of prospective international students are using Ultimate Search to find the course over their dreams abroad – join them today and try it for yourself!

Watch our video demonstration of Ultimate Search to understand how you can use it.

Bio: This post was provided by Hotcourses Abroad. You can start using Ultimate Search to find a course you can study abroad now. Either search from their homepage or from the top of any page on the site.

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