The fear of going blank during an exhibition, not finishing the final project on time, pulling a course that we spent hours studying or the fear of disappointing our parents can lead us to suffer strong anxiety attacks at university. That pain in the stomach, cold sweat, cramps and having a blocked mind are some symptoms of anxiety and most private medical universities students suffer from it during exam times.
If you want to control those anxiety attacks, these tips will help you deal with it, especially in your university days.
6 Tips on How To Cope With Anxiety in Higher Institutions
1. Respect & Maintain Your Sleeping Hours!
Getting too few hours of sleep will not only make you feel physically tired and unwell, but it will also greatly affect your mental health. Resting less than eight hours can destabilize your mood and make you more vulnerable to anxiety. The naps you take to recover will not be enough. The best thing you can do is respect your hours of sleep.
2. Let Go of Negative Thoughts!
Anxiety leads us to have negative or fatalistic thoughts. These ideas will only disturb you and hinder your academic performance. In these cases, it is better to put aside that wave of negativity. Replace those thoughts with more optimistic ones, believing that you are capable of doing what you set out to do. Continuing education while not letting negative thoughts hinder your performance is a great way to not become a victim of anxiety.
3. Taking Deep Breathes When You Face an Anxiety Attack!
Breathing plays an important role in combating anxiety. Although it seems simple and ineffective, it is very helpful. Control your breathing by making it deeper and slower. Breathe in and out slowly and feel the air moving in and out of your lungs. Practice this exercise before an exam or an exhibition and you will have anxiety under control.
4. Don’t Drain Yourself Just By Studying – Take Some Time Off and Have Fun!
Its okay to focus on your studies, but not taking a break will only set you up for anxiety. Educational development is a necessity. But at the same time, over burdening yourself is just not the right thing! The best thing you can do is balance your time between studies and your leisure time. Try to relax by doing activities that you like the most, such as playing sports, going out with friends, among others.
5. Get Equipped With Stress-Deduction Products!
The era has come where people finally take mental stress seriously. Many people prefer quality enhancement cell in order to get rid of anxiety and depression. However, there are many effective alternatives you could use to overcome your tensions!
Using stress-relieving products are a great way. You can find rubber balls that will help you calm anxiety. You just have to squeeze it between your hands when you feel too much tension. You can take them anywhere. This might sound funny, but it helps in a great way to lower down your anxiety.
6. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity If You’re Short on Time!
There are times when you can’t avoid it: you don’t have time to study and you have to choose. In these cases, the technique of studying less syllabus, but doing it better, is almost always better. If you try to cover all the contents, in the end you will not really know anything and the probability of making mistakes in the answers will increase.
However, try not to let this happen to you because we are talking about how to relieve study stress during exam time, not how to try not to let anxiety kill you because you have planned poorly, right? So give yourself some time and opt for the quality.
Sum Up
There are many simple and handy ways to combat anxiety in universities. Do not let nerves and tension take control of you and learn to control them. I hope my aforementioned tips would help you eradicate anxiety and help you live a better life!