AE-FUNAI Revised Academic Calendar for the 2019/2020 academic session has been published All students of the Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu Alike are by this notice informed that academic activities for 2019/2020 session will run as follows;
FUNAI Approved Academic Calendar Schedule 2019/2020
- September 26th, 2019 - Academic Staff Retreat/Orientation
- Tuesday 1st October, 2019 - Arrival of returning and new students
- Wednesday 2nd October, 2019 - Lectures and course registration commence for all students
- Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th October, 2019 - Orientation for new students;
- Thursday 10th October, 2019 - Interdenominational prayers
- Monday 14th to Friday October, 18th - Inception quiz for returning students
- Wednesday 23rd October, 2019 - Regular course registration ends for returning students
- Thursday 24th October, 2019 - Late course registration begins for returning students
- Thursday 7th November, 2019 - Late course registration ends for returning students
- Monday 18th to Friday 22nd November, 2019 - Mid-semester examination for returning students
- Monday 16th to Tuesday 17th December, 2019 - Convocation lecture and convocation proper
- Friday 20th December to Friday 3rd January, 2020 - Christmas and New Year break
- Monday 6th January, 2020 - Lectures continues
- Friday 10th January, 2020 - Submission of mid-semester results of returning students
- Monday 13th - Friday 17th January, 2020 - Mid-semester examinations new students
- Friday 24th January, 2020 - Matriculation; End of issuance of matriculation/registration numbers to, and end of course registration, for new students
- Monday 27th to Thursday 30th January, 2020 - Revision week for returning students
- Friday 31st January, 2020 - Submission of mid-semester results of new students
- Friday 14th February, 2020 - End-of-semester examination for returning students
- Friday 28th February, 2020 - End-of-semester examination for new students
- Saturday 29th February, 2020 - End-of-first semester; students vacate campus
- Friday 6th March, 2020 - Submission of graded scripts and results to Departments
- Monday 9th to Friday 28th March, 2020 - Semester Break
- Saturday 28th March, 2020 - Students return to campus for second semester
- Monday 30th March, 2020 - Second semester lectures commence for all students
- Tuesday 31st March to Friday 10th April, 2020 - Lectures
- Monday 13th to Friday 17th April, 2020 - Inception quiz
- Wednesday 15th April, 2020 - Results portal closes for first semester
- Tuesday 15th May, 2020 - Interdenominational prayer for the AEFUNAI dead
- Monday 11th May to Friday 15th May, 2020 - Mid-semester examinations
- Saturday 16th May to Wednesday 20th May, 2020 - Students’ week
- Wednesday 20th May, 2019 - Lectures resume
- Monday 1st June, 2020 - Submission of mid-semester results to Departments
- Monday 13th to Friday 17th July, 2020 - Revision week
- Monday 20th July to Friday 7th August, 2020 - End-of-semester examinations for final year students
- Monday 20th July to Friday 7th August, 2020 - End-of-semester examinations for other students
- Monday 10th August, 2020 - Submission of scripts and results for final year students;
- Saturday 15th August, 2020 - Students vacate campus
- Monday 17th August, 2020 - Departmental Board meetings to consider final year results; Aug.
- Wednesday 19th August, 2020 - Faculty Board meetings to consider final year results / Submission of scripts and results for other students;
- Wednesday 26th August, 2019 - Departmental Board meetings to consider other results;
- Friday 28th August, 2020 - Faculty Board meetings to consider other results
- Wednesday 2nd September, 2020 - Senate meeting to approve results;
- Friday 4th September, 2020 - Submission of results to central registry
- Friday 4th September, 2020 - Results portal closes for second semester
- Monday 7th September, 2020 - Vacation!!!