This is to inform all NDII and HND II students of the Federal Polytechnic, Oko that they have been directed to come to convocation arena from 23rd November 2021 including Saturdays for revalidation of your school fees receipts and collection of EXAMS ADMIT CARD for 1st Semester 2020/2021 Exams,
The following receipts should be provided for verification:
- 1 Adimission form receipt
- 2. Acceptance receipt
- 3 MatriCulation receipt
- 4. Tuition fee receipt
- 5. Consultancy fee receipt (for Regular I1 students)
- 6 Medical fee receipt (t-Ship etc)
- 7. Carry-over receipt (50% oft current fees) for students repeating a course
Other items needed are:
- 1 One recent passport photography
- 2. On-line course registration Form