Fed Poly Ede instructions to HND candidates ahead of 020/2021 screening exercise

Fed Poly Ede instructions to HND candidates ahead of 020/2021 screening exercise

This is to inform all prospective candidates scheduled to participate in the FEDERAL  POLYTECHNIC EDE HND SCREENING TEST commencing on, Monday, March 1 2021, that  all candidates are expected to login through the link provided as follows: 

Visit https://www.federalpolyede.edu.ng/CBT

Your FORM NUMBER (Application No) serves as your username and your SURNAME serves 
as your password. i.e. 
Username = your Form Number
Password = your surname in lowercase
• The duration of the test would be 30 minutes. 
• Total number of questions for each candidate session is 70. 

The Question Distribution is as follows: 
• Departmental Questions 
• English and 
• Mathematics

• You can ONLY login during the time scheduled for you, hence, any candidate that fails to login during scheduled time may have lost his/her opportunity to write the screening test. 

Below are the Examination Instructions 
1. This is a competitive qualifying screening test. Candidates must comport themselves accordingly. Candidates are advised to have a reliable internet connection before attempting the online aptitude test. 

2. Your activities during the period of the screening test will be monitored and recorded. 
Candidates will be required to attempt the test with a webcam and microphone enabled device. (For optimal experience, use of mobile phones for the aptitude test is discouraged). 

3. Candidates are forbidden from covering their webcams/camera during the period of the 
screening test. Our inability to see the candidate at any time during the test will result in  disqualification. 

4. During the screening test, you are not permitted to leave your position for any reason. You  are advised to adequately prepare before commencing the test. 

5. In the course of the screening test, you are not permitted to leave the test tab for another tab  or application on the computer for any reason, not even to use the computer calculator.  Departure from the test tab will result in disqualification. 

6. Nobody is permitted to be around you during the period of the test, not even members of  your family. You will be disqualified if anybody is seen or talking within and around you during the test.

7. The duration of the aptitude test is 30 minutes. The time starts to count immediately you click the start button and continues to count even if you log out before your 30 minutes lapses.

8. In the event that you run out of time, your screening test will automatically be submitted and saved on our server.

9. Use of face mask or face cap or any other thing that may make your recognition very difficult during the screening test is prohibited. Anyone that cannot be recognized shall be assumed to have impersonated for a candidate, hence, automatic disqualification applies!

For assistance before and during the test, send a message via the chat window in the link provided above or contact the following numbers 08085746108, 07061230735 or email: ict@federalpolyede.edu.ng.

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