Federal Poly Bida bans writing on wears & signing out parties

Federal Poly Bida bans writing on wears & signing out parties

Recall that there is a standing Management order outlawing the embarrassing act of throwing sachet water at each other, writings on your wears and of recent, riding and driving dangerously after your last examination in the name of celebration.

These uncivilized and uneducated acts are degenerating into something else. In a similar vein, we observed bands and musicians accompanying these unwholesome acts interfering with the serenity of -the campus and other students writing examinations.

In all of these, be reminded that Management does not only ban these acts but other

similar uncivilized "Celebrations" which MUST STOP in your own interest

Any student or group of students that violate these directives would be visited with Full wrath of the law such as rustication and even dismissal.

You are therefore strongly advised to stay away from such act.


Alh. Bala Shehu

Dean, Student Affairs

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