Further to the resolution of the Academic Board meeting on Tuesday 20th October 2020 that the college should resume for full academic activities following its closure due to COVID-19 crisis and with due appraisal of all other Variables on resumption the management directed as follows;
That all NCE,PDE, and Degree students should resume for the completion of the first semester of 2019/2020 academic session on Monday 9th November 2020, and the college hostel shall be equally be opened on the same day. The returning students are expected to comply with all COVID-19 protocols as stated by NCDC such as compulsory wearing of face masks and regular washing of hands.
Students are also to ensure that they put on their identity card while on campus for ease of identification. The college hostel shall be opened on Monday above staff and students are enjoined to cooperate with the authority in its effort to safeguard the college from the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The management gladly welcomes all college staff and students
Thank you
R . A Dada