This is to inform all students of the Federal College of Education, Obudu that following the successful conduction of first semester, 2023/2024 on May, 15th 2024 and in accordance with the academic calendar of events the second semester will commence on Monday, 3rd June, 2024. All Deans, Head of Departments and indeed the entire College Community should please note the following;
1. Deans should direct HOD's under their supervision to:
• Publish courses for second semester for all students on Monday, 3rd June, 2024
• Display courses allocation
• Publish 2022/2023 second semester examination results to enable students register failed courses
2. Registration commence for all students on Monday, 3rd June, 2024
3. Time-table Committee to ensure that the Lecture time-table is published on the date approved by the Academic Board (6th June, 2024)
4. Lectures commences in earnest on Monday, 10th June, 2024.
Please Deans, HOD's and Lecturers should ensure seamless implementation of the academic calendar of events for the overall success of the second semester. Thank you!