The Ernst Mach Grants is sponsored by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) and are opened to International researchers and students who are less than 35 years of age and wish to come to Austria for a research or study stay. Fields of research include; Human Medicine, Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts.
Benefits: Monthly grant rate of 940 EUR for graduates and 1,040 EUR for graduates with a PhD degree. In addition to health and accident insurance,
Type: Doctoral
Who Is Eligible?
-Applicants outside Austria pursuing doctoral/PhD studies
-Post- doctorates lecturing in a foreign university
-postgraduates and post-doctorates who wish to pursue research in Austria with a view to an academic career and roined off their studies after September, 30th, 2014 in a foreign university (outside Austria).
Applicants are advised to read up the complete details on eligibility and requirements on this LINK
How To Apply
Applicants are to apply for this scholarship via the official online scholarship application portal
Please ensure you click here to read up details on the supporting documents and other relevant information before making your application.
Applicants are to apply before March 1st, 2017.
For more information on this scholarship, view the official scholarship publication.