Equitas East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP) 2021

Equitas East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP) 2021

The East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP) is a regional training program which provides a unique opportunity for human rights workers, defenders, activists and educators from civil society organizations, institutions and government agencies, to deepen their understanding of human rights and the essential role of human rights education in effecting and sustaining social change. Developed in partnership with Equitas training alumni from across East Africa, the goal of the EAHRP is to strengthen the capacity of a regional pool of human rights organizations and institutions to use a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to advance gender equality and human rights through human rights education (HRE), with the purpose of building a global culture of human rights.

About Equitas

Equitas was founded in Montreal in 1967 by a group of eminent Canadian scholars and social activists, including the co-drafter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP)

Application Deadline17 Oct 2020
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP)

What is the cost of the EAHRP?

The EAHRP participation fee is $3,500 USD. This amount covers tuition, program materials, accommodation, and meals, but does not include travel costs. 

Participants are responsible for any extra expenses such as entertainment and meals purchased outside of the cafeteria.   

How can I get a bursary?

Through the support of the Government of Canada, there is funding to award a limited number of bursaries to selected regional candidates. A bursary includes full tuition fees (including room and board) for the two-week training program as well as travel expenses. Once eligibility has been determined, the Selection Committee will award the bursaries to the candidates who best meet the requirements. Due to the limited number of bursaries available, there is no guarantee that the selected candidates will receive funding. 

By the end of the training, participants should be able to:

  • use a framework based on regionally and internationally accepted human rights standards and principles to analyze the issues and situations encountered in their work and that of their organization 
  • identify ways in which human rights education can increase the effectiveness of their human rights work  
  • integrate a participatory approach into their human rights and human rights education work  
  • incorporate a human rights-based approach and a gender perspective in their human rights and human rights education work  
  • determine strategies for promoting gender equality in their human rights education work 
  • employ a basic evaluation process for assessing the results of their human rights education work  
  • explore networking opportunities essential for furthering the cause of human rights  
  • indicate appropriate ways for putting their learning from the EAHRP into practice in the work of their organizations 

Requirements for East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP) Qualification

The EAHRP is primarily designed for representatives of non-governmental human rights organizations (NGOs, community–based organizations, youth or self–help groups) who have undertaken some human rights education training activities.

Organizations which nominate candidates must: 

  • have a demonstrated commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights 
  • have a track record for mobilization and effective action 
  • be involved in human rights education activities such as training sessions, workshops, public awareness campaigns, advocacy, monitoring 
  • be committed to providing opportunities for individuals to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the program within the organization or community 

In which language does the program take place?

The EAHRP requires participants to actively engage in group work and read extensively. Therefore, all participants must be fluent in reading and writing in English.

What is the profile of candidates themselves?

Candidates from qualifying organizations must: 

  • be active employees / volunteers / associates with their organization for at least one year  
  • be in a position to influence the human rights education work of their organization 
  • have knowledge of human rights principles and major regional or international instruments 
  • be committed to transferring knowledge and skills gained during the program to colleagues and others with whom they work 
  • be sensitive to issues which may arise when working in multicultural groups and be respectful of diversity 

Please note that whilst someone may apply to both the EAHRP and the Equitas International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP), they can only participate in one of the Programs. 

Participants may come from the following East African countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda.

Interview date, Process and Venue for East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP)

The EAHRP normally brings together participants from across East Africa for a two-week learning experience. However, due to the ongoing challenges around COVID-19, Equitas works with partners to implement National Training Sessions in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda respectively for the 2022 EAHRP:

  • Kenya: February 20 – March 4, 2022, implemented by Women’s Empowerment Link (WEL)
  • Tanzania: 13 – 25 March, 2022, implemented by TUSONGE
  • Uganda: March 27 – April 8, 2022, implemented by Foundation for Integrated Rural Development (FIRD)

Application Deadline

October 17, 2020

How to Apply

Completed applications must be sent to [email protected] by October 17, 2021 and all candidates will be notified of the results of the selection by December 5, 2021.

For more details, visit Equitas website.

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