Some candidates seem not to know whether or not they are eligible for the 2019 JAMB Mock exam while others are asking how they can register now for the mock exam. Let’s quickly clear the confusion so you know if you are eligible to take the 2019 JAMB Mock exam which comes up April 1st, 2019.
In as much as a lot of you would like to take the Mock Exam, not everyone is qualified to do so.
If you did not indicate interest to take the mock exam during the 2019 UTME registration, you are simply not qualified to partake in the mock examination and there is absolutely nothing you can do about that now.
Whatever be the case, you do not have anything to worry about. You can have same mock exam experience by downloading and practicing with the JAMB CBT Mobile App, JAMB CBT Software for Computer Systems or by using the Free Online JAMB CBT Exam Platform
For those who indicated interest to take the mock exam, you can proceed to print your JAMB Mock exam slip if you have not already done so to be able to know your exam time and venue.
I believe this has helped to clear the confusion. However, if you have any more questions concerning the mock exam, please post it as a comment so the community can help you.