The Economist’s Open Future Youth Essay Competition 2019

The Economist’s Open Future Youth Essay Competition 2019

The Economists Open Future Youth Essay Competition

THE ECONOMIST’s Open Future initiative was begun last year to make the case for political, economic and social freedoms at a time when these values are under assault. We want this exploration of ideas to involve our critics as well as our supporters.

The essay question is:

What fundamental economic and political change, if any, is needed for an effective response to climate change?

Description: For decades the world has been aware that human activity is heating up the planet to dangerous levels, with potentially calamitous consequences. Despite efforts by government, business and individuals to curtail the trend, carbon emissions are still rising. Perhaps new thinking is needed, since previous attempts to deal with the problem have failed. So what might be done?

The Economist’s Open Future Youth Essay Competition Eligibility.

  • Open to persons between the ages of 16 and 25 inclusive, except for employees of The Economist or its affiliated companies and professional advisors, their immediate families, and anyone professionally connected with the Competition;
  • If you are under the age of 18 or are classed as a minor wherever you reside, you must obtain written parental or guardian consent to enter and to claim your prize. The Economist may ask the winner to provide proof of age and/or parental consent;
  • In entering the Competition, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and eligible to claim any prize you may win. The Economist may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to enter the competition;
  • Only one entry per person is permitted. Entries via third parties and automated entries are not permitted;
  • No purchase is necessary;
  • Entries not submitted in accordance with these terms and all other rules and directions given by The Economist, or entries that are incomplete or illegible (as determined in our sole discretion) will not be eligible.
  • Essays should be no longer than 1,000 words.

The Economist’s Open Future Youth Essay Competition Prizes.

  • The winning essay will be published on The Economist’s Open Future website.
  • The winner will be invited to attend one of the three Open Future Festival events, to be held in Hong Kong, Manchester and Chicagoon Saturday October 5th 2019. 
  • The Economist will pay for travel and accommodation; if the winner is under 18, we will pay for a guardian to accompany the winner as well. This will include an economy-class flight for the winner, if required to get to the relevant event, and hotel accommodation for at least two nights.
  • The names of the 20 long-listed finalists will be published online; each will receive a one-year digital subscription to The Economist.

How to Submit Entries for The Economist’s Open Future Youth Essay Competition.

  •  All entries must be received by 11:59 pm (UK) on July 31st 2019, the closing date of the Competition. Only entries that are duly received by us by the closing date will be eligible for the Competition. We cannot accept responsibility for entries that are lost, delayed or damaged and proof of sending an online entry is not proof that we received it.
  • Entries must be submitted as plaintext in the body of an email addressed to, with the subject line: “Open Future essay competition”. Note: File attachments are not allowed and will not be opened.
  • Entries cannot be returned so please remember to retain a copy.
  • All entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party. The Economist accepts no responsibility if entrants ignore these terms and conditions and entrants agree to indemnify The Economist against any claim by any third party from any breach of these terms and conditions.
  • Entries must not contain defamatory, obscene, offensive, or any other unsuitable material; The Economist reserves the right to disqualify entries containing such matter. Entries must be suitable to be published by The Economist for audiences of all ages.

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