May I put it to you that if you are still there saying " I will just keep trying everything to see which will work out " then the future is really seating on a gun powder.
In you and me is one great key/weapon that can unlock that door of greatness but as much as we refuse to fish out that key, the door can't be penetrated.
I am not saying education is not a key but there are some keys that are inborn. In my upcoming article " Beyond Schooling " I will shed more light on this.
Sometimes,to some people, education only complements their abilities and to others its vice versa.
Attaining greatness is something that requires patience and planning, its not something you just jump into.
Life is like GIGO(Gabage In,Gabage Out). It is the result of the amount of seriousness and pursuit you give it that it will give you in return.
We need to seat down and present yourself in a paper and and examine yourself.
• Map out what you want,
• Map out the resources you really have to get to where you want.
Let us be frank with ourself, the nigeria that is coming to exist tomorrow will favour those who are not only educated but has a side ability that really speaks cash.
You have something in you that you know you need to develop that will take you places. Sometimes you might need to train it well before it really bloom.
I was actually a science student in my ss1 days,I had always nursed the dream of becoming....click here to continue reading