DELSU gets NUC accreditation to run Open Distance E-learning & Bsc in Nursing

DELSU gets NUC accreditation to run Open Distance E-learning & Bsc in Nursing

This is to inform the Vice-Chancellor that the Commission has given approval to the proposed Centre for Open Distance e-learning of Delta State University, Keffi to commence academic activities. The approval is sequel to the validated status recommended by the Panel comprising Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Subject Matter Experts as well as NUC Representatives that visited the proposed Centre fram 18 to 20 January, 2024.

The Centre may therefore commence operations with BNSC. Nursing Science programme only via the ICT Enabled Supported Blended Leaming model of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode of delivery.

The University is enjoined to ensure total compliance with the guidelines for running ODL programmes in Nigerian Universities. The Commission also expects the University to impress it upon the Centre the necessity to effect the recommendations made by the Panel in the attached Technical Report.

Addition of new programmes will be on a programme by programme basis and subject to pre-assessment and approval by the Commission. The University should be reminded that there will be periodic monitoring of the Centre to ensure that there is no deviation from acceptable best practices.


Please accept the assurances of my kind regards

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