NCEE Common Entrance Exam Timetable for Unity Schools 2022

NCEE Common Entrance Exam Timetable for Unity Schools 2022

The 2022 National Common Entrance Examination for admission into Junior Secondary School (JSS 1) of Federal Government Unity Colleges is scheduled to hold on SATURDAY, May 7, 2022.


The examination will consist of the following:

Paper I

  • Part A – Mathematics and Basic Science and Technology
  • Part B – English and National Values Education

Paper II

  • Part A – Quantitative and Vocational Aptitude
  • Part B – Verbal Aptitude

National Common Entrance Examination Timetable

DATE: SATURDAY, May 7, 2022.


Where the time on the question paper differs from the time on this timetable, the time on the question paper should be strictly adhered to.

  • Albinos and Blind candidates are to be allowed 30 extra minutes at the end of each paper.
  • Blind candidates must make use of NECO supplied OBR Customized braille sheet for the examination.

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