NUC Approved Chinese Studies for UNILAG Faculty of Arts

NUC Approved Chinese Studies for UNILAG Faculty of Arts

NUC Approved Chinese Studies for UNILAG Faculty of Arts:

This is to notify the general public and 2013/2014 UTME candidates in particular, that the National Universities Commission (N.U.C.) has approved a new full -time programme leading to the award in B.A. (Hons.) degree in Chinese Studies.

Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates who made UNILAG their first choice for the programme and sat for the 2013/2014 Post UTME test
The entry requirement is as stated below:

O’ LEVEL SUBJECTS: Five O’ Level Credit Passes at one sitting including: English Language, Mathematics, plus three Arts Subjects.

UTME SUBJECTS: English Language and any three Arts Subjects.

The duration of the programme is four years
Interested Candidates should apply directly to the University of Lagos by filling the form (online) in duplicate from the University of Lagos Website in the Prospective students section

The completed forms with candidates’ photocopies of UTME ,Post UTME result slips and O ’Level result should be completed online and a photocopy submitted to the Admissions office, Room 174, 1st Floor Senate House, University of Lagos on or before 30th November, 2013.

The Deputy Registrar (Admissions) could be contacted on the following telephone numbers: 07043278261, 07043278267, 08137391404, 07043278269, 07043278266,08091748169, 08182716045

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