Business Studies lesson note for JSS3 Third Term is now available for free. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all secondary schools in Nigeria, in other words, all private secondary schools in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for Business Studies.
Business Studies lesson note for JSS3 Third Term has been provided in detail here on schoolgist.ng
For prospective school owners, teachers, and assistant teachers, Business Studies lesson note is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of Business Studies as a subject offered at SS level. The lesson note for Business Studies for SS stage maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practical, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, and homework ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.
To further emphasize the importance of this document, the curriculum for Business Studies spells out the complete guide on all academic subjects in theory and practical. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims, and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.
Business Studies Lesson note for JSS3 carries the same aims and objectives but might be portrayed differently based on how it is written or based on how you structure your lesson note. Check how to write lesson notes as this would help make yours unique.
The JSS3 Business Studies lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject.
The sudden increase in the search for JSS3 Business Studies lesson note for Third Term is expected because every term, tutors are in need of a robust lesson note that carries all topics in the curriculum as this would go a long way in preparing students for the West African Secondary Examination.
This post is quite a lengthy one as it provides in full detail, the Business Studies-approved lesson note for all topics and sub-topics in Business Studies as a subject offered in JSS3.
Please note that Business Studies lesson note for JSS3 provided here for Third Term is approved by the Ministry of Education based on the scheme of work.
I made it free for tutors, parents, guardians, and students who want to read ahead of what is being taught in class.
JSS3 Business Studies Lesson Note (Third Term) 2024
- Rubber Eraser
- Mechanical Eraser
iii. Double typing
i.Half Space Correcting
- Manuscripts
- Printers Correction Sign
iii. Longhand Abbreviation
- Types of Display Headings
- Meaning of business letters
- Different between simple memos and personal letters
- Revision.
Erase implies a scraping or rubbing out of something written or drawn, or figuratively, the removal of an impression.
Mistakes happen all the time. And that’s OK. Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and erase them as soon as possible once you spot them
Before rubber erasers, tablets of wax were used to erase lead or charcoal marks from paper. Bits of rough stone such as sandstone or pumice were used to remove small errors from parchment or papyrus documents written in ink.
A correction fluid or white-out is an opaque, usually white fluid applied to paper to mask errors in text. Once dried, it can be written over. It is typically packaged in small bottles, and the lid has an attached brush (or a triangular piece of foam) which dips into the bottle.
Write short note on the following (a) erasing using correction fluid
(b) erasing using rubber
- What is manuscript?
- State ten abbreviations and their meaning.3. Identify seven printer’s correction signs and their meaning.
Topic: Manuscript
- Longhand
- Abbreviations
- Standard printer’s correction signs
Manuscripts are usually hand written letters/documents. To understand and read a manuscript, certain signs and abbreviations must be learnt by the person that will type it.
If you write something down in longhand, you write it by hand using complete words and normal letters rather than typing it or using shortened forms or special symbols.
Abbreviations are short forms of lengthy expressions. Abbreviations are in use in almost every discipline and area of life from commonly used abbreviations like names, for instance Mr. for Mister or Sgt. for Sergeant, to less commonly used abbreviations, such as the shortened version of abbreviation itself, which is abbr. The U.S. is itself a well-established abbreviation. Abbreviations exist in all areas of life from medicine to military and international relations to religion.
Written and verbal communication often includes these abbreviations:
R.S.V.P. – This acronym means “Répondez s’il vous plait,” French for “respond, if you please.” It is often used on invitations to parties and special events, and is intended (as it says) to be responded to with a “yes, we will attend,” or “no, we will not.”
P.S. – Means “post script.” At the end of a letter, people will often include a P.S. to include an extra thought that was intended to be included in the letter, but forgotten. Using a P.S. was more common in typewritten letters, when you couldn’t go back and add a sentence in the body of a letter.
A.S.A.P. – “As soon as possible,” used when encouraging someone to respond to a request without delay.
E.T.A. – This acronym means “estimated time of arrival,” and is used as a guess for when one expects to arrive while traveling.
B.Y.O.B. – “Bring your own bottle” is used for parties where guests are expected to bring their own beverages.
D.I.Y. – This acronym stands for “do it yourself,” which means creating something on your own. It is often used for crafts and home repairs.
Standard printer’s correction signs
Give the full meaning of the following; R.S.V.P, P.S, A.S.A.P, D.I.Y and E.T.A
- Methods of Display
- Heading
When displaying work on a typewriter, it should be done in such a way that the end result will be good and pleasing to the eye.
Horizontal Centering
When the centering any line, set the carriage at the centre and then backspace once for each two letters and spaces that the typed line will occupy. The odd letter is ignored. Begin typing at the point to which you have back spaced. Fro example, to Centre Account as a heading, AC = 1 space, CO = 2 spaces, UN = 3 spaces.Ignore T which is an odd letter. Try saying the letter and counting at the same time as you backspace. You must note that if the edge of the paper is at 0, the scale point at which the ridge appears, half of that number will be the centre.
Vertical Centering
To centre vertically, count the number of lines (including blank ones) that the work will occupy, and substract the figure you get from the number of line spaces on your paper. After subtracting, divide the remainder by 32 and ignore fractions if there are any. For example, to centre 8lines of double spaced copy on A5 paper (148 x 210 mm) paper, you will need 15 lines, which is 8 typed and 7 blank, that is 50 – 15 = 35 lines, which are left over and 35 will then be divided by 2 = 17. You should ignore 1/2. Start to type the work on the next line, that is, line 18.
Headings are words or short phrases that introduce the topic encompassed in a section of text. Headings are used to block off long chunks of text and help readers quickly navigate a document. There are two types of headings in technical writing: first level headings and second level headings.
Main Heading
The main heading is that part of the subject heading string which represents the main concept without subdivision. Main headings may be categorized according to their functions: topical headings, form headings, and different kinds of proper name headings. They vary in syntax as well as in type.
Sub heading
Heading or caption subordinate to a main headline, heading, or title especially when inserted as a divider between sections.
Shoulder Heading
This is a heading that occupies a position at the left hand end of the first line of the paragraph to which is is the heading. For example a paragraph in a book.
Side Heading
Side headings (sidehead) are headings placed left (or right) to the regular text with the next paragraph on the same line. Side headings differ from run-in headings in their vertical alignment.
Explain the methods of display
MEANING: A business letter is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter depends on the relationship between the parties concerned.
A business letter includes:
contact information,
a salutation,
the body of the letter,
a complimentary close, and
a signature.
1.Define business letter
2.Write a complaint letter to the manufacturer of the faulty refrigerator you bought on the 24th of March, 2018.
Apology Letters
When and how to apologize at work, plus examples of apology letters for employers and co-workers. Use these letters when you have made a mistake, behaved poorly, missed an interview, or in other circumstances where you’ve messed up and need to apologize.
Appreciation Letters
Very often, feedback at work is dominated by the negative. If someone you work with closely does a great job, don’t miss the opportunity to give praise and positive feedback. Sending a letter is a nice way to let employees, co-workers, colleagues, clients, and others know how much you appreciate them.
Business Thank You Letters
If someone does you a favor or helps you out in any way, always remember to send a thank you note. Browse this link for business thank you letter samples for a variety of business- and employment-related scenarios.
Candidate Rejection Letter
When you are in charge of hiring, you will need to inform job applicants when they do not receive the position. Here is an example of a candidate rejection letter to send to an individual who was not selected for a job.
Congratulation Letters
Everybody loves to be recognized for their achievements, even if it’s just a quick email message or a handwritten note.
Review sample congratulation letters for new jobs, new businesses, promotions, and other business-related endeavors.
Email Message Examples
While it’s often nice to send a handwritten or printed out note in the mail, it’s more common these days to email. Here you’ll find business- and employment-related email message examples.
Employee Letters
Review sample employee letters and letters for job applicants for employment including employee reference letters, job offer letters, appreciation and congratulation letters, and more letter examples.
Employment Verification Letter
Employment verification letters are often requested by landlords to confirm that a person is employed at a company. See information on what should be included in the letter and a sample employment verification letter.
Farewell Letters
Farewell message examples to let colleagues, clients, and your connections know that you are moving on.
Sending a farewell letter is a good way to update people with new contact information so you can keep in touch in the future.
Inquiry Letters
Use inquiry letters to request meetings and to inquire about job opportunities that haven’t been advertised. These letters are a way to get your foot in the door at a prospective employer who hasn’t publicly listed available jobs.
Job Offer Letters
Examples of job offer letters, a job rejection letter, counter offer letters, and more letters related to offers of employment.
Job Promotion Letter
A job promotion letter gives information on the promotion, including the employee’s new title, salary, and the date the employee is transitioning into the new role.
Networking Letters
Sample job search and career networking letters including referral letters, letters of introduction, and networking outreach letters.
New Employee Letter
Sample welcome letter to send to a new employee, as well as details on the information to include in this type of letter.
Promotion Announcement
Sample email message notifying company employees about a promotion.
Reference Letters
See examples of reference letters, recommendation letters, personal references, professional references, character references, and academic references.
Referral Letters
Referral letter examples including letters and email messages requesting a referral, letters referring employees, a colleague, or an acquaintance for a job, and examples of referral cover letters and thank you letters.
Resignation Letters
If you are planning on quitting a job, review these resignation letter and email examples. They can be used in a variety of situations, including resigning with notice, resigning over email, and resigning effective immediately.
Retirement Letters
See letter examples for retirement announcements when you’re retiring, and congratulation letters and emails for connections who have retired.
Termination Letter
Sample termination letter terminating an employee from an organization.
Welcome Back Letters
Examples of welcome back letters for new employees and employees returning to work after a leave.
Microsoft Word Letter Templates
When you need to write an employment letter, it can be helpful to start from a template. Microsoft Word templates are available for resumes, cover letters, resignation letters, reference letters, and interview letters.
Explain 5 types of business letter
Topic: Personal Letters
- Meaning of Personal Letter
- Layout of Personal Letter
Meaning of Personal Letter
Personal letters are letters written to friends or relations on a personal note. It is a type of letter (or informal composition) that usually concerns personal matters (rather than professional concerns) and is sent from one individual to another.
Personal letters (alongside diaries and autobiographies) have been popular forms of personal communication since the 18th century. But as mentioned below, various innovations over the past several decades have contributed to a decline in the practice of personal letter-writing.
Layout of Personal Letter
- Begin your letter by writing your name and address in the top right-hand corner of the page. It is important to include this information in case your return address (on the back of the envelope) is torn, or the envelope is thrown out. This way the person who receives the letter will always have your address and will be able to reply to you.
- Next, write the date on which you are writing your letter. This goes on the left-hand side of the letter, just above where you will write your greeting. The date is important so the person who is reading it knows when it was written. It is also helpful for people who like to keep letters they have been sent and look back on them.
- Under the date write your greeting. It is acceptable in a friendly letter to be informal with your greeting. Depending on how well you know the person you are writing to, you could use “Dear”, “Hi” or “Hello”.
- Now it is time to start writing the content of your letter. This is where you put everything you want to include in your letter. Remember, if you forget anything you can always put it in the postscript.
- When you have finished writing your letter, end it by signing off. Depending on how well you know the person, you could use “Your friend”, “See ya” or “From”.
- Sign or write your name under the sign-off.
- If you have forgotten to include something in your letter or you want to add an extra message, you can use a postscript (PS). This is written underneath your name at the bottom of the letter.
State the layout of a Personal Letter
Hope you got what you visited this page for? The above is the lesson note for Business Studies for JSS3 class. However, you can download the free PDF file for record purposes.
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