Date and venue for the Benue State University's 22nd matriculation ceremony for 2013/2014 academic session has been given.
Date: Thursday, 10th April, 2014
Time: 9.00am
Venue: Old Convocation Square
9.00am – Matriculating Students process into the convocation square.
10.45am – Arrival of Principal Officers, Deans, Directors and Heads of Department and Units, other dignitaries and parents.
10.55am – Procession begins, Principal Officers, Ag. Provost and Deans, emerge from the robbing room.
11.00am - National Anthem Alma Mata Song
11.10am – Opening prayer
The Vice-Chancellor declares the ceremony open by saying “The purpose of this meeting is to matriculate students into their Faculties”.
The Registrar rises, bows and calls on the Deans/Provost to present their students in the following order:
College of Health Sciences
Management Sciences
Social Sciences
For each Faculty, he says:
The Dean of …………………… will now present his students for matriculation.
The Dean rises, steps forward, bows to the Vice-Chancellor and says: “Will the matriculating students of the Faculty of …………..… stand and remain standing”. (Thereafter, he says)
Madam Vice-Chancellor, I present to you these students for matriculation into the Faculty of …………………. of the Benue State University.
When all Faculties have presented their students, the Registrar will bow and say: “Madam Vice-Chancellor, all the students for matriculation have been presented”.
The Vice-Chancellor will say:
“I now call upon the Registrar to administer the matriculation oath”.
(All the students remain standing).
The Registrar will then read the oath while the Deans will remain seated, all the matriculating students will stand and read the oath after the Registrar.
At the end, all the students sit down as the Registrar bows to the Vice-Chancellor and takes his seat.
Vice-Chancellor’s address to the matriculating students.
Announcements by the Registrar: (See footnote).
The Registrar will invite the Vice-Chancellor to declare the ceremony closed by saying:
“I now invite the Vice-Chancellor to declare this ceremony closed”.
The Vice-Chancellor declares the ceremony closed by saying:
“I declare the matriculation ceremony closed”.
The Vice-Chancellor, Principal Officers and Deans file out in reverse order.
Return of Academic Gowns:
Matriculating students must return Academic gowns to their respective Faculty Officers on or before Friday, 18th April, 2014. Failure to do so by any student will attract a fine of N100.00 each day of default.
Submission of Oath Forms/Files:
Completion and return of Oath Forms/Signed registration files to the Faculty Officers by every fresh student must take place within 7 days from the date of matriculation (i.e. from 14th April – 18th April, 2014). All credentials in the files must be properly fastened before submission. Students who violate this directive will be deemed to have forfeited their admission.
Pls note: Oath forms will only be accepted if they are returned along with registration files. Insist on writing down your names after submission of these items please.
All Principal Officers, Ag. Provost and Deans shall process, Directors, Heads of Department and Unit are requested to attend the occasion.
Deans and Heads of Department are requested to liaise with the Directorate of ICT or Faculty ICT staff to access the list of registered students in their Faculty and Department. They should ensure that all qualified candidates of their respective programmes are properly registered.
The orientation of registered students is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 8th April and Wednesday 9th April, 2014 at the old Convocation Square. The Orientation Committee will release details of the exercise.
Faculty Officers are to commence issuance of matriculation gowns to registered students of their respective faculties as from Wednesday, 2nd April, 2014. Each student will be required to collect a matriculation gown and documentary CD of the University on payment of One Thousand Naira (N1000.00) non-refundable fee at Fidelity Bank Plc, Benue State University Branch.
Candidates would present the bank receipt to their Faculty Officers for collection of the items as in (5) above. Faculty Officers are to keep receipts of gowns issued to candidates.
The Academic Office (Store Officer) will issue appropriate matriculation gowns to the Faculty Officers for onward lease to registered fresh students of respective faculties who would have paid the fee of N1000.00 as in (5) above.
All Principal Officers, Ag. Provost and Deans are to detail a staff to collect their Academic gown from the Academic Office (Stores Officer) for the ceremony, please.
Fresh students should return matriculation gowns to the Faculty Officers for onward submission to the Stores Officer on or before Friday, 18th April, 2014.
Late return of gowns will attract a fine of N100.00 per day payable to the Bursary Department of the University.