Borlaug-Adesina Fellowship Program 2019 for African Youths

Borlaug-Adesina Fellowship Program 2019 for African Youths

BorlaugAdesina Fellowship Program

The World Hunger Fighters Foundation, in partnership with the World Food Prize Foundation, USA, is establishing this year-long Fellowship Program, presenting an unparalleled opportunity to outstanding African youths to attend the WHFF Africa Youth Institute at the World Food Prize Foundation in Iowa, United States of America.

It is an innovative educational program that challenges promising youths across the continent to join forces with other youths globally to solve the most critical problems we face on the planet, providing real-world experiences to prepare them, as Borlaug-Adesina Fellows, for success and high-impact careers to that will end hunger across the world.

Borlaug-Adesina Fellowship Program Eligibility.

  • Open to outstanding African youths
  • Applicants should be between the ages of 21 and 30 years old

Borlaug-Adesina Fellowship Program Benefits.

  • The Borlaug-Adesina Fellows will be selected and announced at the annual World Food Prize Dialogues in Iowa, USA. The Fellows will be provided with opportunities to gain exposure and experience at any of the International Agricultural Research Centers around the world, or with a select number of global food and agribusiness companies.

How to Apply for Borlaug-Adesina Fellowship Program.

Interested candidates who meet the criteria listed above should apply by clicking on the “Apply” button below:

Apply Here Official Link

Applications will be accepted until July 31st 2019.

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