The 12th Edition of Bishop Mike Okonkwo E4ssay Competition has been announced and submission of entries has commenced.
According to the organizers, the entries started March 9th, 2015 and will end May 15, 2015.
The topic for this edition is The Nigerian Political Class and the Citizens Quest for Good Governance.
The participating pupils are required to write essays of not more than 2, 000 words.
The competition which aims at encouraging pupils to develop their ability to think through issues, develop their analytical and problem-solving skills as well as develops and rewards the writing skills of youths towards national development will have the first winner going home with N100, 000, a trophy, laptop and a plaque while his school will get three Internet-ready desktop computers and a printer.
The first runner-up will receive N75, 000 and a plaque while his school will get two Internet-ready desktop computers and a printer.
The third place winner will take home N50, 000 and plaque while his school will receive an Internet-ready computer.
This year’s competition is open to secondary school pupils.