Babcock University notice on Postponement of Batch B resumption

Babcock University notice on Postponement of Batch B resumption

We join our hearts and hands with millions in our nation and across the world who wish us well in this trying period. Our thoughts go out to the injured and to the bereaved families in the course of the lawful quest tor peace, equity, fairness and justice by well-meaning citizens of this country.

On Monday, October 19, 2020, the Edo State Government declared a 24-hour curfew in all areas of the state. On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, the Lagos State Government and Ekiti State Government also declared a 24-hour curfew in all parts of their states. According to the reports, the measures above were taken by these three state governments to stem the wanton destruction of properties and loss of lives as the peaceful #ENDSARS protest continues across the country.

As at today, what is paramount in the heart and mind of every loving parent, including every well-intentioned citizen in and outside of government, is the security and safety of lives and wellness of the people. As an Insttution founded on godly principle of love and care tor human Iives, we cannot afford to turn our eyes away from the current situation in the country and do nothing in respect of those in our care. The lives of our students are precious to us, and we will sacrifice all that is humanly possible, civil and legal to secure their safety. The present situation nationwide requires that we take appropriate measures to achieve this objective of safety and security of our students.

As a result of the diversity of the University student population, going out or coming into the campus requires the students to travel long distances across states or local govermment areas. To do so at this time is to endanger their Iives, a risk the University is not willing to take. This informed the decision of the University to postpone the resumption of Batch B students (who were initially expected to resume on-site classes on 25th of this month). They will continue with their on-line learning until further notice, while we maintain the present status quo on campus With Batch A students. The above arrangement will remain until the security in the country is wholly guaranteed for free movement and for human safety.

We hope you have our understanding in our efforts to preserve lives, as we pledge once again, our commitment to the well-being of all those in our care. We need our students, who are our children, to be safe.

Please be assured of our concerns, always.

Yours sincerely.

Joshua Suleiman, PhD

Director, Communications & Marketing

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