Apply To Study At Institute For Industrial Technology And Vocational Studies

Apply To Study At Institute For Industrial Technology And Vocational Studies

Institute for Industrial Technology (IIT) is a world class non-profit, single sex technical - vocational school in Lagos -Nigeria. It offers top-quality hands -on practical skills training to Nigerian youths and adults mainly from the lower income stratum of society.

The training received makes the participants easily employable and to advance rapidly in their careers. this empowers them to improve their family income, hence their socio-economic condition. Our training programmes & services include:

Apply To Study At Institute For Industrial Technology And Vocational Studies

Electromechanics, a multiskilling course combining mechanical, electrical, electronics and Industrial automation subjects, is targeted at young secondary school leavers. Scholarships/Sponsorships are needed for some of the qualified but disadvantaged youths.

Mechatronics, a high-end automation course targeting fresh graduates of tertiary institutions and experienced technicians and engineers from industry. This is a practical hands-on course which instills confidence in the participants.

Electrotechnics - a multiskilling course heavy in electrical, electronics and automation trades designed to develop technical professionals for the power sector.
Short Terms Courses (or Open Courses) in such areas as Pneumatics & Valves, Electro -pneumatics, Programmable logic controls, Mechanical drives and bearing lubrication, Motor controls, Boiler maintenance, Pumps and compressors operation & maintenance, etc. these are refresher courses targeted at Technicians & Engineers from industry.

Consultancy services which preparing feasibility study/business plan for new colleges, train the trainer courses, fabrication of items,recruitment of technical/engineering personnel,capability assessment for technicians & engineers, turnkey technical support to technical schools & NGOs, etc.

To apply visit IIT Applications

For more information call: 09035616248 or 07084444835



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