This is to inform all Delta State Polytechnic Ogwashi-Uku Students and the entire Polytechnic Community that management has approved the sales of form into various positions with effect from 26 July, 2021 to 6th of August, 2021.
The Election is expected to be conducted for the following positions through electronic voting Application forms are available for collection at the Students Affairs Division at the followings rates:
1. President - N4,000
2. Vice President I - N3, 500
3. Vice President II - N3, 500
4 Secretary General - N3,000
5. Asst. Secretary General - N3,000
6. Treasurer - N3,000
7. Financial Secretary - N3,000
8. Asst. Financial Secretary - N3,000
9. Public Relations Officer (P.R.O) - N3,000
10. Provost - N3,000
11. Director of Welfare - N3,000
12. Director of Social - N3,000
13. Director of Transport - N3,000
14. Director of Sports - N3,000
For any student to be eligible for election into any of the above-listed Offices, the student must
1. Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 3.0 for the post of the president)
2. Not be facing any panel or disciplinary committee.
3. Not be a member of any secret cult.
4. Not have been convicted for any criminal case by a competent court of jurisdiction.
5. Be of good character.
Please note that the office of the President shall be open only to HND I students
Collection and submission of forms to the Student Affairs Division must be on or before 6th August, 2021.