Further to our earlier circular on the election break No. ASCOEA/ADM/INT/CIR/42B/VI/112 dated 22 February 2023, this is to write and inform all returning and new students that the Management has directed for the continuation of the online registration during the break. The returning Students are to use their College Number and coe2023 as their password for the registration.
The Management has also extended the late Registration from 20th-26th March, 2022 for returning students only. Similarly, all new students are requested to use their JAMB Numbers and coe2023 as password to generate their profile for the registration.
In addition, Undergraduate Students are to use the following link: ascoea_degree.safsrms.com while NCE Students are to use the link: ascoea_nce.safsrms.com for the registration. All Students are to note that ICT Unit is opened as from 10:00 am 4:00 pm daily for the registration. The administrative and other academic activities of the College resumes unfailingly on Wednesday 15th March, 2023, please.