Ajayi Polytechnic Academic Staff Recruitment

Ajayi Polytechnic Academic Staff Recruitment

The Ajayi Polytechnic academic staff job recruitment is now open. This announcement invites qualified candidates to apply for various academic positions in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Science Laboratory Technology, Accountancy, Business Administration, and Public Administration.

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Available Positions

  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer I
  • Lecturer II
  • Lecturer III

How to Apply

Application Requirements

Candidates must submit five hard copies of their application, Curriculum Vitae (CV), and photocopies of their credentials. The CV should include the following details:

  1. Full Name (Surname first in capital letters)
  2. Desired Post and Department
  3. Place and Date of Birth
  4. Age (Attach evidence)
  5. Gender
  6. Marital Status
  7. Number and Ages of Children
  8. Telephone Number(s)
  9. Postal Address
  10. E-mail Address
  11. Permanent Home Address
  12. Nationality
  13. State of Origin and LGA
  14. Institutions Attended with Dates
  15. Academic Qualifications with Dates
  16. Professional Qualifications with Dates
  17. Training Programmes Attended with Dates (starting with the latest)
  18. Honours, Distinctions, and Membership of Learned/Professional Societies (starting with the latest)
  19. Employment and Positions Held with Dates
  20. Research Interests and Commissioned Projects (completed and ongoing, starting with the latest)
  21. List of Publications with Titles, Publishers, and Journals with Dates and Pages (where applicable)
  22. Major Conferences and Workshops Attended with Papers Read (starting with the latest)
  23. Details of Administrative Experience
  24. Teaching Experience
  25. Service to the Community (with Status and Dates)
  26. Extra-Curricular Activities
  27. Names and Addresses of Three References

Submission of Applications

  • Hard Copy: Send five copies of the application and CV to the office of the Registrar.
  • Soft Copy: Email the application and CV to ajayipolytechnic@gmail.com, info@ajayipolytechnic.edu.ng, or registrar@ajayipolytechnic.edu.ng.

Application Deadline

Applications should reach the Registrar’s office no later than two weeks from the date of this publication.

This is an excellent opportunity to join Ajayi Polytechnic and contribute to its academic excellence. Apply now and take a significant step in your academic career.

CLICK HERE for more Job postings.

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