Without mincing words, the answer to the question above is study as hard as you can. How well you study with the remaining time before the examination will hugely impact your success in the end.
What score are you aiming at? This is the time to work towards it. Don't even think for a second about cheating the system or using EXPO. If you ask candidates that had their confidence on that last year, they wouldn't hesitate to share their tale of woes with you. That is if they are truthful. So if you ask me, that option is a dead end.
Having said that, the first thing you need to do now is to get to know the topics you are expected to cover for each subject you will be taking using the Latest JAMB Syllabus. You can access that by clicking here.
Another important thing you shouldn't neglect is practicing JAMB CBT Past Questions regularly. You can do that either using our Online JAMB CBT Platform, Mobile App or Desktop/Laptop Software.
If you do not have a personal Computer, an Android Mobile Phone or Tablet, you can visit any of the JAMB CBT Training Centres we have provided to practice JAMB Past Questions and equally learn how to use the Keyboard or Mouse to answer JAMB questions.
You have about three weeks before the exam begins. Make the most of the time you have now. Like the saying goes, your destiny is in your hands.