The 2017 JAMB CBT Software has now been totally refreshed to contain over 40,000 possible CBT past questions from 1978 to 2016. You can now download the JAMB CBT software and use it to get the exact feeling you would experience in your coming 2017 UTME exam.
Once activated, apart from all JAMB, WAEC, NECO and NABTEB past questions (from 1978 to 2016), we will also give you 1 year of Free SMS alerts for your Main School of choice. This is the best practise JAMB CBT Software you can ever have on your Computer System.
If you are determined to score up to 290 and above, you simply have to download this software today and start your preparations immediately. The exam practice section works totally offline, so you do not require internet to be the best.
Download Link
Start downloading right now by clicking here, while you continue reading on how this software would help you scale your 2017 UTME.
.NET (DotNET) Framework Requirement
If after installing the software using the above download link, and it says you require .NET (dotNET) Framework to proceed in using the software, then download, install and update your system for free, with the latest DOTNET Framework by clicking here
Notable Features
The software has also been packed with the latest JAMB Brochure and JAMB Syllabus for 2017 so you will be sure that all your reading requirements and admission preparations are all in tact.
The most interesting fact about this Latest JAMB CBT Software is that it does not expire. It will last for the lifetime of your computer system. You can always update the software with new questions, answers & explanations, so you don't need to always re-download to get updates. SchoolGist will also provide you with reliable News and Events, right from the software interface. Isn't that awesome?
The best way to experience what we mean is to download the JAMB CBT software for 2017 UTME right now by clicking here
Getting Your Activation Code
After downloading, you can easily get your activation code from within the software. If you would like to get an activation code right now so you can get started, click here to order a code
Agents, Resellers & Bulk Purchase
Good News! We have now reduced the price for Agents, Resellers & Bulk Purchase, so that even students can become agents. If you are already an agent, this is your time to make even more money as this offer may be limited.
For cyber cafe operators, business centres and family/public computers, the software now allows multiple users on one particular system. If you are interested in bulk purchases, please click here to read more
15 Key Features
1. Activate Once, Use it for Life of your computer - Very Cheap
2. No weekly, monthly or yearly subscription or activation fee - Very, very Cheap
3. Access over 40,000 past questions (1978 - 2016) and their solutions for JAMB, WAEC, NECO and NABTEB exams, in an organized manner.
4. Access all past questions and their solutions without any Internet Connection, even in remote and rural areas.
5. Supports multiple users per system
6. Study Past Question Year by Year - All years included
Carry all past question & answer booklets for all subjects in your computer.
7. Enables you search for a particular question keyword in any subject and get the answer and explanations. Like a "google" for past questions.
8. Gives you an idea of what JAMB CBT environment really feels like.
9. Comes with a FREE copy of Admission 101 - A guide and an eye opener to all the pitfalls you should avoid right from filling your JAMB form, until you get into school and finally matriculate.
10. Fully prepares you for JAMB CBT and any form of CBT exams
11. Can update the latest questions for free
12. View the Latest JAMB Brochure to check course requirements for free
13. View the Latest JAMB Syllabus for reading requirements for free
14. Keeps you updated with Reliable & Latest News & Events from SchoolGist
15. Avoid expensive admission sorting by encouraging learning.
With this SchoolGist JAMB CBT Software and constant practise, you are sure of scoring 290+ in your JAMB CBT Exams.
Download Link
Download this awesome software right now by clicking here.
Let us know if you have any issues by using the comment section below.