The Senate of Ambrose Alli University at its 322 regular meeting held on Wednesday, 25th January, 2023, referred to its earlier approval, on Wednesday, July 28 2004, on the report/policy document of its Ad-hoc Committee on the Mode of Dressing by Students on Campus. It has become necessary, given the current happenings, to revive the policy and broaden the scope of prohibitions. The Senate, therefore, approved the recommendations on prohibitions/sanctions for violations of the dress code by students of the University as follows:
1... Wearing of dresses that expose the vital parts of the body publicly, such as the breasts, the tummy, the navel, the hips, thighs, the upper region of the legs, etc.
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
2. Wearing of transparent dresses
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
3. Wearing of Spaghetti gown' by female students outside the hostel premises.
- Sanction: (1)Suspension for One Semester)
4. Wearing of short skirt above the kneels by female students
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
5. Colouring of hair by both male and female students
- Sanction: (2) (Suspension for one Semesters)
6. Sagging of trousers by both male and female students Sanction
- (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
7. Wearing of earrings by male students
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
8. Wearing of nose rings, and large earrings by female students
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
9. Wearing of tattoos by both male and female students
- Sanction: (1)Suspension for One Semester)
10. Wearing of ankle chains by female students
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
11. Wearing of long or artificial eyelashes, and fixing long nails by female students
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
12. Wearing of dirty and/or tattered jeans trousers by both male and female Sanction
- (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
13. Wearing of bathroom slippers or bum shorts to the classrooms students
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
14. Braiding, weaving, plaiting or wearing of dreadlocked hair by male students
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
15. Wearing of tight-fitting clothes that unduly reveal vital contours of the body.
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
16. Permed hair by male students
- Sanction: (2) (Suspension for one Semester)
17. Wearing of dresses with lewd and offensive inscriptions on them.
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
18. Wearing of several earrings on ear lobes by male and female students.
- Sanction: (2) (Suspension for one Semester)
19. Wearing of excessively coloured/tinted hair by female students.
- Sanction: (1) (Suspension for One Semester)
1. Driving of tinted vehicles by students into the campus.
- Sanction: Impounding of Car and Suspension for One Semester.
2. Excessive speeding (Dangerous Driving) within the campus.
- Sanction: Impounding of Car and Suspension for One Semester.