The Ambrose Ali University (AAU), Ekpoma invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the Part-Time Degree Programmes for the 2014/2015 academic session.
Available Programmes:
The following degree programmes are available at the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma as approved by the National Universities Commission (NUC).
B.Sc. Accounting.
B.Sc. Banking and Finance.
B.Sc. Business Administration.
B.Sc. Computer Science.
B.Sc. Economics.
B.A. English.
B.Sc. Public Administration.
Admission Requirements Into The Part-Time Undergraduate Degree Programmes
(a) B.A. English.
Admission Requirements
Candidates seeking admission into the Department of English are expected to possess SSCE/NECO/GCE (O/L) NABTEB at not more than two sittings with 5 credit passes in following subjects: English Language, Literature in English and any other three Arts, or Social Science subjects.
(a) B.Sc Accounting.
(b) B.Sc Banking and Finance.
(c) B.Sc Business Administration.
(d) B.Sc Public Administration.
Admission Requirements
(i) Candidates seeking admission into the Faculty of Management Sciences are required to possess SSCE/NECO/GCE (O/L) NABTEB at not more than two sittings with 5 credit passes in following subjects: Mathematics, English, Economics and any other two Social Science Subject from Commence, Geography,Accounting etc.
(ii) Candidates seeking admission into Public Administration in addition must have credit pass in Government.
(a) B.Sc Computer Science.
Admission Requirements
Candidates seeking admission into the Faculty of Natural Sciences are required to possess SSCE/NECO/GCE (O/L) NABTEB at not more than two sittings with 5 credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other two from Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economics.
(a) B.Sc Economics
Admission Requirement
(i) Candidates seeking admission into the Faculty of Social Sciences are expected to possess SSCE/NECO/GCE O/L in not more than two sittings with 5 credit passes in the following: English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any 2 other Social Science subjects.
(i) Candidates should possess SSCE/ WASC/ ASC/ NECO/ GCE/ TCII etc with 5 credit passes at not more than two sittings, including English Language and other Departmental and Faculty Requirements.
(ii) Candidates are expected to write an entrance examination before they could be considered for admission.
For Direct Entry admission, candidates are expected to possess at least two (2) A/Level papers, NCE, or equivalent (at acceptable level) Diploma Certificate (at not less than Merit Grade) in related areas plus SSCE/NCEO/GCE (O/L) etc at not more than two sittings with 5 credit passes including English Language, Mathematics and other Departmental Requirements.
Candidates with SSCE/NECO/GCE (O/L) seeking admission into any programmes will spend five years.
(a) Please note that all candidates with O/L results preceding 2011 must present the originals of their certificates and not statement of results slips.
(b) All completed application forms should be accompanied with the following:
– Passport size photograph
– Photocopies of credentials.
– Photocopy of receipt of purchase of application form.
NOTE: No case of awaiting results shall be entertained
Application Instructions
1.Click on 'Register for application' at the top left of this page to proceed.
2.Provide all necessary information. Note that * means compulsory fields.
3.An immediate mail will be send to the provided email address (ps your email not the cybercafe's mail).
4.Open your mail to get your system generated id and password that you will use to login.
5.Go to https://aaue.waeup.org click on 'Login' (top right of front page).
6.Enter your user name and the password from the mail to login.
7.To start the application process, please click on 'Edit application record' and provide all required information and upload you passport photograph.
Payment Instructions
The fee is 16,
1.Go to https://aaue.waeup.org/login.
2.Enter your user name and the password as sent to your email to login.
3.To make payment, click 'Edit application record'.
4.At the bottom of the page click on 'Add online payment ticket'.
Etranzact Payment
Click on the ticket you just created to print your payment slip which you will be required to present at the bank.
Proceed to any of the designated banks to purchase the eTranzact application PIN (payment voucher) with the payment slip. You are to make a payment of N16,250.00 (Sixteen thousand, two hundred and fifty Naira) only from any of the under listed Banks Nationwide.
1. Eco Bank Nigeria PLC
2. Fidelity Bank PLC
3. First Bank of Nigeria PLC
4. First City Monument Bank PLC
5. Keystone Bank PLC
6. Union Bank of Nigeria PLC
7. United Bank of Africa PLC
8. Zenith Bank PLC
Use the eTranzact confirmation order number (PIN) generated for you at the bank to complete your payment transaction by clicking on the ticket generated above and re-querying it using your PIN.
Interswitch Payment: ATM-Enabled Verve, Visa or Master Card from any commercial Bank.
Click on the Payment_ID of the ticket created.
(ii) Click on ‘CollegePAY’ at top of your page. Confirmation page will appear to enable you cross-check your payment details. If ok, Click ‘Submit’ to proceed with the payment through Interswitch payment gateway.
Select your card type from the ‘drop down’ ( Verve, Visa or Master Card), enter your card details i.e Card number, expiry date, CVV2, pin and click “Pay”.
Note : Your CVV2 is the 3- digit number printed at the back of your card.
If your payment is successfully validated, you can proceed to submit your completed application form and print your application slip.
All applications ends 30th November, 2015.