Are you aiming to enter the higher institution and you always read and hear juicy things about university.
There are some things which you may not like about Nigeria university .
Poor classroom: The state of the lecture room of some school are nothing to talk about. Some are without windows and door due to poor management or shortage of renovation fund.
In some school, student will have to send out domestic animals out of their lecture room on daily basis.
Lack of professional and qualified staff: When you see the lecturer of some schools, you will wonder if you are in a secondary.
Some lecturer are not up to the standard of lecturing in the university. Some lecturer can not do without their handbook or test book despite been in the profession for many years.
Exploitation: Some university have created a mechanism to suck the student dry.
You pay for almost everything either necessary or not.
Imagine paying for sport fees even when there is no sport activities in the school.
Poor Marking and exam standard: In the polytechnic I attended, most of the lecturer give out candidate exam paper for outsider or other student to mark. This is not appropriate and this is also common in the university. Only the candidate that knows how to cram and pour will benefit from this approach.
Also the method of exam timetable of some school is Bad. Imagine a timetable where you have two paper daily for next 5 day.
University as the lawless city: the right of the student is dead in most of the Nigeria university. Even when you are right you may not be able to win against the wrong. Imagine a lecture boasting of failing any student that fails to appear on Sunday lecture or pay for his handout. Some lecturer will even threaten the female student to have intimate affair with them or consider failing their course.
Poor standard and lack of superior check:
Sometimes ago when I was still in the schooling environment, in my 2nd year precisely. There was a compulsory payment which must be paid a week to the exam and thousands of student were eager to see that they made the payment. While we wait outside to pay in the school designated payment office, the staff in this office were busy watching films and discussing irrelevant issue.
Some staff will resume late and close early:
This happens in many institutions and will continue to exist whenever the superior check is missing or omitted.
Also the state of the electricity in some school is poor. There should be constant electricity to better enhance the quality of Education.