Potential is unexposed ability and latent power. It is who you can be and what you can achieve. The potential for greatness lies within us all but not all of us ever get to realize our potentials.
According to Thomas Edison "If we did all the things we are capable of doing we would literally astound ourselves.” On this side of life there is nothing as important as becoming all you can be. However, you need to make sure you are not the one standing in your way to becoming all you can be.
Below are things that could stop you from realizing your potential;
1) Focusing on your flaws:
Many live through life being majorly aware and focusing on their weaknesses instead of strengths. Someone once said “If you spend too much time working on your weaknesses all you end up with is a lot of strong weaknesses”.
This does not mean you should totally ignore your flaws but rather focusing on your strengths while making an attempt to manage your weaknesses.
What are the abilities that you always get positive feed backs on? These are your strengths. We all have things we are inherently good at; things that seem easier to us than any other activity.
You cannot really succeed focusing on your weaknesses. Successful people dwell....click here to continue reading