Are you a student in a university or higher institution or an aspirant? If yes, then this is for you. Remember when you first got into school, your first aspiration was to graduate from the university with a first class. Then, especially for those that have been in school for quite a while, the aspiration seemed to change with time after the first year.
Compromise sets in and you began to settle for less than your initial goal. Very few people leave school with the degree they had wanted to acquire initially. I must tell you that the ‘first class’ in in your hands and not in the hands of your lecturers.
You choose the grades you want by the decisions you make and the actions you take. Your lecturers only give you the grades you choose. Below are five qualities that you must cultivate if you must become a first class student:
Five Qualities of a ‘First Class’ student
This is the quality of being devoted to something. Are you devoted to that goal you want to achieve? Dedication shows up in class or lecture attendance, amount of time spent revising notes and studying and so on.
Every first class student knows what it means to delay self-gratification. Studying is not always as interesting as watching a movie or playing a video game. Discipline is the practice of training oneself to ensure acceptable and desired patterns of behavior.
You must always remind yourself that your future and
the kind of life you will have tomorrow depends on the
decisions you make today. You must pay the price to sow good seeds today so that you can reap the desired harvest tomorrow.
Encarta tells us this word means steady and continued action or belief, usually over a long period and especially despite difficulties or setbacks. In other words, a first class student will say no to compromise and laxity when it’s time to study, to pray, to go for lectures or to do those things that he is supposed
to do.
Every first class student knows that to trust in one’s might, strength and ability alone is foolishness. You must take seriously your closet where you communicate with God and draw strength, wisdom and enablement from Him. If you do not have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, you need to enter into a relationship with Him.
This one is also very important because this is where so many students miss it. The university is not a place for solely reading and studying to obtain a degree though this is the primary purpose. It’s a platform for acquiring knowledge that will help you build a future for yourself, for discovering your purpose in life and for general all-round self-development.
You must
engage yourself in other activities that will develop you spiritually, intellectually, physically, morally, socially and even financially. Get adequate rest also, very important. It’s not in the amount of ‘night classes.’