2022 JSPS RONPAKU Scholarships for International Students - Japan

2022 JSPS RONPAKU Scholarships for International Students - Japan

The JSPS RONPAKU Program is created to provide tutorial and financial support for promising researchers in Asia and Africa or other specified countries who wish to obtain their degrees from Japanese universities through the submission of a dissertation without matriculating a doctoral course.

Application Deadline: 15th August 2022

Eligible Countries: International

Type: PhD

Value of Scholarships:

  • Total funding provided to Japanese host university
    Maximum of 3.6 million yen (Up to 1.2 million yen per fiscal year)
  • The following expenses can be covered by the above funding:
    Travel expenses (RONPAKU fellow’s visits to Japan, advisor’s visit to fellow’s country), goods/materials, other dissertation related expenses
  • Payment procedure
    JSPS will enter into a contract with the Japanese host institution commissioning it to carry out the RONPAKU program’s operation.

Number of Scholarships: Approximately 9

Duration of Scholarship: Maximum of 3 years starting from 1 April 2023

Eligibility: To be eligible, you must;

  • obtain a PhD degree from a Japanese university through the submission of a dissertation
  • already achieved substantial research results and is likely through dissertation research under the program to successfully obtain a PhD degree, and who is nominated by a home advisor and the president of his/her affiliated university/research institution
  • an international student
  • be employed full time at a university or research institution in his/her home country or will be appointed to such a position by 1 April 2023
  • be 45 years of age or younger as of 1 April 2023

Application Process: Click here to begin application

Visit The Scholarship Webpage For More Information

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