Spring Impact Scale Accelerator: Women’s Empowerment 2022

Spring Impact Scale Accelerator: Women’s Empowerment 2022

Is your organisation working in Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, or Zimbabwe? Do you have a programme, intervention, or service focused on issues related to women’s empowerment? Would you like to develop the skills and knowledge to create the biggest impact for your beneficiaries?

Scale Accelerator: Women’s Empowerment is a fully-funded consultancy programme for ambitious, locally-led NGOs in Southern Africa working on issues related to women’s empowerment who want to scale up their impact and take their vital work to more people, in more places. 

About Spring Impact

Spring Impact was founded out of frustration. Frustration that some of the best, world changing social innovations that should scale up don’t. We are a team of London and San Francisco-based passionate professionals striving to help mission-driven organisations, funders, and individuals create, scale and sustain the maximum social impact. We have the honour of working with extraordinary partners across the globe with a vision of addressing the size of social problems at scale. Spring Impact was established in 2011 by Dan Berelowitz, a Young Global Leader at the World...&nb... read more

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Scale Accelerator: Women’s Empowerment

Application Deadline12 Dec 2022
Country to studyMalawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe
SponsorSpring Impact

Aim and Benefits of Scale Accelerator: Women’s Empowerment

If you know you want to scale, but can’t do it alone, and would like the skills, tools, and support to work out how to deliver your solution to more people and up-skill your wider team in the process, this programme could be for you. 

You will have the opportunity to take stock and work through the different stages of your journey to scale, including:

  • Building the foundational strategy for scale
  • Developing actionable financial and scaling models
  • Creating the internal systems and operations needed to make the journey achievablesustainable, and a whole lot easier.

Requirements for Scale Accelerator: Women’s Empowerment Qualification

The programme is specifically aimed at locally-led NGOs and coalitions of organisations working in Southern Africa – particularly Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe – which are delivering solutions to address issues around women’s empowerment. 

• We define women’s empowerment solutions as those that support women and girls to enhance their power, voice, skills and opportunities in the economy, at home, and in their community.

• NGOs addressing issues related to the economic, cultural, and social empowerment of women are eligible to apply. Examples include, but are not limited to: financial inclusion, business/enterprise skills, sustainable livelihoods, women and girls education, political participation, violence against women and girls, and more.

Organisations do not need to be led by women and solutions that work with both men and women to challenge attitudes and behaviours are eligible to apply. We are open to working with social purpose organisations of any structure, as long as their primary reason for applying is to scale up their social impact.

Application Deadline

December 12, 2022

How to Apply

For more details, visit Spring Impact website.

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