- The stages of marking students/candidates' examination papers in the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) have emerged
- The staff members of the regional examination do not mark the WAEC scripts of the candidates themselves
- WAEC set up a committee of experts who come up with the marking guide that the examiners use to mark the examination papers
Lagos state - The 2024 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) has commenced in Nigeria with millions of secondary students sitting for the examination across the country.
It is the WAEC results universities and polytechnics use to determine who they will admit into their institution.
In this article, Legit.ng focuses on how WAEC marks the examination papers of candidates/students according to BBC Pidgin.
WAEC officials who mark candidates' scripts
It is not WAEC staff members who mark students’ examination papers but examiners who are appointed by the examination body to mark the scripts.
Examiners are people are experienced people in the education sector, who know the classroom in and out.
WAEC set up a committee of experts who come up with the marking guide to prevent manipulation.
It is the Committee of experts who grill the examiners on all aspects of the marking scheme for a marking exercise called coordination.
Even when the actual marking starts, the committee does not leave the examiners on their own.
Each member of the Committee of Experts is supervised by one highly experienced examiner who is the Team Leader.
The examiners are divided into small groups, and each of them is supervised by a highly experienced examiner who is the Team Leader.
It is the team leader who checks and vets the group members progressively to make sure they are following the guidelines.
The Team Leaders themselves are supervised by more experienced examiners called Chief Examiners.
After marking the examination papers, WAEC will employ another group of people called the Checkers
The main role of Checkers is to ensure all the marks the examiners give are recorded correctly and are transferred to the right score sheets.
WAEC does not reveal the identity of the examiners they use to mark the exam papers.
Which grades does WAEC use?
WAEC grade for each exam subject is A to F.
A stands excellent while F means the candidate fails based on his/her performance in each subject.
Students will know how they perform in the exams after WAEC publish the result.
Candidates are required to enter and sit for a minimum of eight (8) and a maximum of nine (9) subjects.
Which officials does WAEC use to conduct exams?
There are three categories of officials WAEC uses to conduct its examination: supervisors, invigilators and inspectors.
Supervisors are teachers who are nominated by various State Ministries of Education.
They are the ones who conduct the exams for various centres.
Their job is to collect question papers from the students and return answer scripts to the custodian centres.
Usually, the Invigilators are the teaching staff whom the school principals nominate to assist the supervisors in the centres.
While inspectors are WAEC staff members who go from one centre to another when the exam is in progress.
WAEC Releases 2024 Final Timetable For May/June SSCE
Meanwhile, Legit.ng reported that WAEC released the timetable for the 2024 May/June SCCE examination in Nigeria. The WAEC exams will commence on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, with Foods and nutrition 3 (practical) planning session and Home Management 3 (practical) planning session.
According to WAEC, candidates for the regional examination will sit for the English language on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. English Language 2 (Essay), English Language 1 (Objective) and English Language 3 (Test of Orals) will all take place on the same day.
WAEC candidates will be on break from Monday, June 17, 2024, to Wednesday, June 19, due to a public holiday to observe Eid-al-Adha.
.. Source: Legit.ng