YSU Academic Calendar 2024/2025 Academic Session Announced

YSU Academic Calendar 2024/2025 Academic Session Announced

We wish to notify all new and returning students of Yobe State University, Damaturu (YSU) that the university’s administration has made adjustments to the academic calendar for the 2024/2025 academic session.

The revised YSU academic calendar is designed to span approximately one year. All academic and non-academic activities have been meticulously scheduled within the approved timeframe, as directed by the university’s management.


YSU Academic Calendar 2024/2025 Academic Session

The academic calendar for YSU is as follows:

The Senate of Yobe State University, Damaturu  convened an emergency meeting  during which they ratified the adjusted academic calendar for the 2023/2024 academic sessions as outlined below:

  • First Semester: A Fresh Start

    Beginning Your Academic Year

    Your academic year at Yobe State University (YSU) commences with the resumption of both new and returning students on the 27th November 2023. This marks the start of an engaging and enriching educational experience. You’ll have a two-week window to settle in and register for your courses, wrapping up on the 9th December 2023.

    Structuring Your Time with Timetable Approval

    Following registration, a one-day session for the approval of the lectures timetable will take place on 6th December 2023. This is a crucial date as it sets the pace for your semester, helping you allocate your time between studies, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments.

    Academic Rigour and Breaks

    From 8th January 2024, you’ll embark on a 14-week journey of lectures, immersing yourself in the subjects that shape your future. The lectures conclude on 13th April 2024, but not before you’ve had the opportunity for late registration and course adjustments within the first few weeks of the semester.

    Don’t forget the inter-semester break starting 13th May 2024. This two-week period until the 25th May 2024 is your chance to recharge before the second semester.

Second Semester: Deepening Knowledge

Seamless Transition into Further Learning

As the first semester concludes, the second semester beckons with its commencement on 27th May 2024, spanning another 14 weeks of lectures that end on 31st August 2024. These weeks are your opportunity to build upon the foundations laid in the first semester and deepen your knowledge.

Examinations and Beyond

Examinations are a significant part of the academic process, with the second semester exams scheduled for four weeks starting 2nd September 2024. After the exams, a three-week marking period begins on 23rd September 2024 to assess your performance.

Finalising Your Academic Year

The academic year rounds off with a five-week period for external examination moderation and consideration of results, starting on 14th October 2024 and ending on 16th November 2024. This phase ensures the integrity and fairness of your results, culminating in their release at various departmental, faculty, and senate levels.

We provide this information for your awareness and future planning. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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