YABATECH notice on further measures to contain COVID-19 second wave

YABATECH notice on further measures to contain COVID-19 second wave

proof: https://www.facebook.com/2039990646255429/posts/2813176028936883/

At the Emergency Meeting of the Management held today, Friday, January 29, 2021, it was resolved that the following measures be taken to contain further spread of Second Wave of COVID-19 pandemic in the College.

1) General decontamination of the College should be carried out within the next seven (7) days

2) All Staff are to stay at home for one (1) week pending the decontamination

However, Academic Staff are to continue on-line lectures for the Students

3) The Quarters occupied by the deceased Staff would be decontaminated

4) All Staff are advised to submit keys of their offices to the Porters for full coverage of the decontamination process.

5) All Staff in the respective Unit/Department of the deceased staff are to liaise with the Ag. Medical Director through the contacts below for COVID-19 test and submit evidence of the test on resumption. 

6) All Staff and Students are enjoined to ensure strict compliance with the existing guidelines on the prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

7) All Staff are advised to adhere to all non-pharmaceutical containment maybe measures as prescribed and approved by the Presidential Task Force (PTF) from time to time,

8)Any staff or student with any symptom of COVID-19 should immediately contact the Ag. Director, Medical Service on 08066539085 and 07044861516.

Thank you.



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