The 2013/2013 merit admission list of the yaba College of Technology, Lagos was based on the cut-off marks listed below. In other words, only candidates who scored up to or exactly the corresponding departmental cut-offs were admitted in first batch.
Industrial maintenance Eng. 50
Mechanical Engineering 58
Metallurgical Engineering 50
Agricultural & Bio-technical 50
Marine Engineering 50
Hospitality management 51
Estate management 53
Quantity survey 51
Printing tech 50
Office technology 56
Business administration 61
Banking & finance 59
Accounting 64
Civil Engineering 55
Computer Engineering 56
Electrical Engineering 58
Food technology 60
Computer science 56
Agricultural technology 50
Polymer & textile technology 50
Science laboratory Technology 63
Statistics 51
Mass communication 65
Architecture 57
Building 50
If you are yet to check your name on the Yabatech merit list, then you are free to do so now at no cost. Simply click here.
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