Yaba College of Technology Lagos is currently on her orientation week for fresh students. The orientation which started on the 13th of February will last, among other activities till the 17th of this month before giving way for academic activities to continue.
Monday and Tuesday was mapped out for football match between freshers and returning students as Wednesday 15th (today) is designed for matriculation.
We can imagine our numerous students bubbling in happiness over there at YABATECH. We are happy for you guys and we wish you the best.
We acknowledge the receipt of the invitation sent to SchoolGist to officially grace the occasion, however the nature of our work will not let us. It is a pleasure that our past questions and answer assisted about 241 students to gain admission in YABATECH this year, these people are matriculating today.
Thank you for remembering to say thanks to SchoolGist, we got all your appreciation emails and text messages.
All the best in school!