The management of Yaba College of Technology has released procedures for acceptance fee payment and registrations for newly admitted part time programme students. Find steps below:
Step 1:
1. Check your name on Admission list in the School/Department or on the College website (click on Prospective Students).
2. Collect a payment teller from the Students Account Section of the Bursary unit.
3. Pay the prescribed acceptance fee of N7,500 to Fidelity Bank (Fadeyi or Sabo Branch only). Account No.4010628080 and Account name , Yabatech Acceptance Fee.
4. Submit your teller and payment print out to the Students Account Section of the Bursary unit and obtain a College receipt.
5. Go to http://www.yabatech.edu.ng.
6. Click on “Acceptance fee payment”
7. Print out your Payment History
8. Proceed to the Admissions Department of Registry in Room AA 24 of Old Admin Block to locate your Screening Officer
9. Present two copies of College receipt obtained at the Bursary (original & photocopy) and your Payment History to the Screening Officer.
10. Present original and photocopy of SSCE/NABTEB/ND results for Screening.
Step 2:
(Before you can register, you must have been cleared)
1. Go to http://www.yabatech.edu.ng
2. Log on to the Students' Portal by clicking on “Students' Portal"
3. Enter your UTME Registration Number / Application Number as your User name and your surname (in small letters) as your Password.
4. Click on "Print Payment Advice"
5. Click on "Print Admission Letter"
6. Pay your fees to the designated bank and obtain a receipt from Bursary with your teller.
7. Re-login to the portal
8. Click on " Fee Payment "
9. Print your payment receipt and obtain your matriculation number.
10. Log on to the Student’s Portal by clicking on Students’ Portal
11. Enter your matriculation number as your user name and your password (for New Student your, use surname as your password) .
12. Click on “Course Registration”.
13. Click on “New Course Registration” and click “Enter Course Registration”.
14. Select your course from the list of courses by ticking the box and click on “Preview Courses”.
15. Click on “submit” to submit your Course registration.
16. Click on “Print Course Registration” to print out your Course Registration form.
Step 3:
Go to your Class Adviser and sign your course form.
Go to the School officer, obtain a student file jacket, insert the following documents and submit to him/her
1. Evidence of payment of School fees.
2. SSCE/NABTEB/ND (original & photocopy)
3. Testimonial from former school
4. Two (2) reference letters
5. 10 passport size photographs
6. One post-size photograph (each) of the new student and his parents or guardian
7. Birth Certificate/Sworn Declaration of Age (Original and Photocopies)
Good luck from The SchoolGist Team.