WHO/TDR Women Leaders in Global Health Challenge Contest 2018

WHO/TDR Women Leaders in Global Health Challenge Contest​ 2018

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the  2018 WHO/TDR Women Leaders in Global Health Challenge Contest​. Deadline for submission of application is July 1st, 2018.

Women Leaders in Global Health Challenge Contest

While women who apply for a mid-career fellowship from WHO/TDR are just as likely as men to receive it, women have been less likely to apply. How do YOU think we can change this and develop feasible ways to increase women’s participation in this fellowship?For example, we are looking for creative ideas to make the research year more flexible or spur more women to apply. Individuals who submit exceptional ideas will be supported to join the Women Leaders in Global Health conference in London this November. But more importantly, selected ideas deemed feasible by WHO/TDR will be implemented to increase women’s participation in the fellowship.

Women Leaders in Global Health Challenge Contest​ Prizes.

At least three semi-finalists will be supported (registration, travel, hotel, per diem) to join and present their idea at the Women Leaders in Global Health conference in November 2018.

Selected finalists will have their idea implemented to increase women’s participation in this fellowship.

Criteria for Judging Women Leaders in Global Health Challenge Contest​ Submissions.

Submissions will be judged on a 1-10 scale according to the following three criteria: 

(1) capacity to increase the number of women who apply and receive WHO/TDR fellowships; 

(2) feasibility; 

(3) innovation, defined as different from the current practice used in the fellowship. 

Final decisions about semi-finalists will be made by the Steering Committee.

Women Leaders in Global Health Challenge Contest​ Rules

The contest is open to anyone from any location. Ideas from women in low- and middle-income countries are particularly encouraged, but review will be blinded so that judges do not know who submitted each one. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the challenge contest.

How to Join Women Leaders in Global Health Challenge Contest​.

Send us your plan to expand women’s participation in a mid-career fellowship from WHO/TDR. This could be a way to more widely disseminate the fellowship call in order to increase awareness, a way to make the fellowship more conducive to women with caregiving obligations, or a way to increase the number of qualified women applicants. Be creative! 

Apply Here Official Link

Format for submissions: Submissions must be written in English and less than 500 words. Submissions with figures have a 450 words limit.

Application Deadline:  July 1st 2018.

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