The importance of networking is not restricted to life after school alone but is also of great importance if one must find his/her way up.
Networking in this contest is a system of trying to meet and talk to other people who may be useful to you in your work.
So many people often say that the present situation of the country requires you to know somebody at the top for you to get there. This is not far from the truth and this is why I brought up this article to expose to us that for this connection to take place,you must build your networks.
» Who do I know?
» Who knows me?
» How would knowing people help me?
» How do I build my networks?
Getting sincere answers to this questions would really help a lot.
So many student never make good use of the opportunity they have but wait till after schooling then start running from pillar to pole seeking someone who can hook them up in their field of study.
The goals you hope to achieve has been achieved by somebody sometime ago who now knows the secret to attaining it or rather there is someone who knows somebody that has the answers to your questions.
The point now is you seeking this person and developing a good relationship with him to tap what you need. The problem is that you don't know that person that has all you have been searching for years.
This is why you should never underestimate anybody in life and always try to market yourself anywhere you find yourself. There is also every need to always seek avenue to meet people and develop good communication and relationship with them.
» Attending seminars
» Taking part in leadership programs
» Judicious use of one on one contact with people
» Online forums
» Schools etc.
The major problem is that we throw away opportunities carelessly. Take it or leave,at a point in your life, you had met with someone who later sought your help and vice versa.
If you people had not met and talked,you wouldn't have known he had something you will need. It is therefore incubent on you to always sieze all opportunities you have when you come in contact with people. Don't just discuss create a connection,who knows,through that person you might get linked up.
No one is an island,for you to get up,you need some one to draw you up and it is either you know some one who has someone up there or you directly know someone up there but they all center on NETWORKING.
By Kayode Oluwatobiloba Emmanuel