What was your most Secondary school
1. Making noise in the class
2. Like to copy notes for people
3. Fighting
4. Late coming
5. Leaving the school before
6. Playing with Boys
7. Asking your teachers
questions while teaching
8. Always reading
9. Always quiet in class
10. Playing football
11. Hanging around
12. Not reading your books
13. Friendly with teachers
14. Always writing love letters
15. Love to read novels
16. Sleeping
17. Eating
19. Monitoring
20. Playing Games
21. Not always in school
22. Did not go to
23. Was a prefect
24. Always not in class
25. Stealing books
26. Stealing biros-pencils
27 . Not friendly
28. Looking for trouble
29. Always forget to write your
homework and copy in the morning
30. Always play with girls