The basic facts you should know
{1} all federal university in Nigeria does not
accept 2nd choice
{2} you have 55% of getting admission in
state university when you choose them as
2nd choice.
{3} you can not be admitted for courses like:
law, medicine,economics and political science
in any school you choose as 2nd choice.
{4} some school will levy additional charges
on post ume form for 2nd choice candidate
{5} concentrate more on your 1st choice
{6} polytechnic do admit 1st and 2nd choice
when you pass the post utme
{7} all first list release by school are for those
that meet the cut-off and choose the school
as 1st choice.
{8} prepare and study well. Meet me on 2go(ELUOJO1) or facebook (princeeluojo judexman Egwuemi)