This is to inform the general public and most especially candidates that participated in the Western Delta University (WDU), Oghara, 2013/2014 academic session post UTME screening exercise that the institution has released the list of candidates offered provisional admission into her various first degree programmes.
WDU 2013 provisional admission list has been uploaded on the institution portal @ http://wdu.edu.ng/Admmission-List.aspx, but we have also published it here to make things easier.
Browse through the Western Delta University (WDU) 1st admission list published below to confirm your admission status.
SchoolGist Team congratulates all the candidates that made it to it to Western Delta University (WDU), Oghara 2013/2014 admission list.
SchoolGist Team congratulates those made it to Western Delta University (WDU), Oghara 2013/2014 Admission List.
RECOMMENDED: List Of Schools Whose Admission Lists Are Out.