The West African Examination Council, WAEC 2024/2025 syllabus has a direct impact on students pass level every academic session but a few are aware of this. Having a prior knowledge of an event before its occurrence keeps you better prepared for the effect. In this case, only candidates with the WAEC Syllabus are aware of what they are to get prepared for ahead, the proposed and approved study materials like text books, required calculators, tops and subtopics in each subjects.
WAEC syllabus is mostly required by students in SSS (Senior Secondary Schools) since they are preparing for their WASSCE however, this is not to rule out its use even before the exams. You can still make use of the WAEC syllabus in your normal academic session since it contains what you should expect in all subjects for the session.
From our survey, we have found out questions going round online, students asking for the 2024 WAEC Syllabus for all subjects, thankfully we already have the WAEC 2024 Syllabus for all subjects but we will not be making that available at once as it would be too cumbersome for students, so we will be breaking down the WAEC syllabus per subject for students who have the need for it.
For the sake of this post, we will be providing the 2024 WAEC syllabus for Biology but let us make it clear to you that we have the WAEC syllabus for the following subjects;
- 2024 WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics
- WAEC 2024/2025 Syllabus for English Language
- 2024/2025 WAEC Syllabus for Chemistry
- WAEC Syllabus for Biology 2024/2025 session
- WAEC syllabus for all subjects offered in Senior Secondary School.
With the above at your disposal and dedication to your studies, you are sure of flourishing at your Senior Secondary Certificate Examination. For the sake of this post as said earlier, we are going to provide you with WAEC syllabus for biology below, we will give a summary of what the 2024 WAEC syllabus for Biology contains before providing a download link in PDF format for you.
The WAEC syllabus for Biology is drawn up from the curricula of the member countries of WAEC (West African Examinations Council). It should be used alongside the appropriate teaching syllabus (es) of the country where the candidates are domiciled.
This examination syllabus is divided into three sections: Sections A, B and C. Section A is for all candidates, Section B is for candidates in Ghana only and Section C is for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia and Liberia.
This syllabus is designed to assess candidates on the following under-listed;
- This will help students in understanding of the structure and functions of living organisms as well as appreciation of nature
- Help students in acquiring adequate laboratory and field skills in order to carry out and evaluate experiments and projects in Biology
- Another is to assist students acquire the necessary scientific skills for the observation, classification and interpretation of biological data
- Another aim of the WAEC syllabus for Biology is to help students in acquiring the basic relevant knowledge in Biology needed for future advanced studies in biological sciences
- In addition to the above, acquisition of scientific attitudes for problem solving is also made possible.
- Furthermore, it gives students the ability to apply biological principles in their everyday life in issues that affect them personally, socially, environmentally, economically and health wise.
- Lastly, the objective of the syllabus gives the student the opportunity to be exam conscious of the existence of the interrelationships between biology and other science related courses.
Students should expect three papers, namely;
- Papers 1
- Paper 2
- Paper 3
Please note that all the above papers must be attempted during the course of the examination.
PAPER 1: Will consist of fifty multiple-choice objective questions drawn from Section A of the syllabus (the section of the syllabus which is common to all countries). It will carry 50 marks and last for 50 minutes.
PAPER 2: Will consist of six essay questions drawn from the entire syllabus. The paper will be put into three sections, Sections A, B and C.
Section A: Will consist of four questions drawn from Section A of the syllabus.
Section B: Will be for candidates in Ghana only and will be drawn from Section B of the syllabus (that is, the section of the syllabus peculiar to Ghana). It will consist of short-structured questions.
Section C: Will be for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia and Liberia and will be drawn from Section C of the syllabus (that is, the section of the syllabus containing material for those countries only). It will also consist of short-structured questions.
Candidates will be expected to answer two questions from Section A and all the short-structured questions from either Section B or Section C.
Each question in Section A will carry 20 marks while the compulsory short-structured questions in Sections B and C will carry 30 marks. The total score will be 70 marks. The paper shall take 1 hour 40 minutes.
PAPER 3: Will be a practical test (for school candidates) or a test of practical work (for private candidates) lasting 2 hours and consisting of three sections: Sections A, B and C.
Section A: This will consist of two compulsory questions drawn from Section A of the syllabus, each carrying 25 marks.
Section B: This will be for candidates in Ghana only. It will consist of one question drawn from Section B of the syllabus and will carry 30 marks.
Section C: This will be for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia and Liberia. It will consist of one question drawn from Section C of the syllabus and will carry 30 marks.
Candidates will be expected to answer all the questions in Section A and one question in either Section B or C. The paper will carry a total score of 80 marks
For all questions relating to the WAEC syllabus for Biology, answers to all questions have been made available via the download link below. The link below contains a table with the full details of the WAEC syllabus for Biology for senior secondary school students.
>>Download the 2024 WAEC Syllabus For Biology
Hope the above has been helpful so far? however, if you have questions as regards the WAEC 2024 Syllabus for Biology, kindly get through to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly. Please note that the above should be treated with seriousness as it is the approved WAEC syllabus for biology in 2024.
Best of luck to all students.