WECF International Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards 2022

WECF International Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards 2022

The Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards are granted every year to grassroots initiatives and organisations tackling the climate crisis while promoting gender equality. These solutions are examples of climate resilient and transformative development models that bring multiple social and environmental benefits. They contribute to raising the ambition for the achievement of the 1.5 degree target by 2030.

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Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards

Application Deadline31 Jul 2022
Country to studyEgypt
SponsorWECF International
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards

Award winners receive a €5000 monetary award, a chance to attend the COP, which will be held in Sharm el-Sheikh this year, and enter our long-term mentoring programme which helps them strengthen and upscale their outstanding actions. Runners-up projects are presented in a written publication, on our online platforms and at the awards ceremony during the COP.

Requirements for Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards Qualification

Through these awards, we want to showcase transformative solutions for a more just, equal and healthy planet. If you are part of a climate and gender justice initiative, then apply now. We highly encourage activists, grassroots and women-led organizations and groups to apply.

Application Deadline

July 31, 2022

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to WECF International on www.judgify.me to apply

For more details, visit WECF International website.

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