Geography is a subject offered by both commercial and science students in Secondary schools. It is an optional course for art student but compulsory for commercial and science students. One of the strategies of passing Geography as a subject in WAEC is for the candidate to be aware of the approved WAEC syllabus for the subject.
We have been able to identify the need for students to have at their disposal, the 2024 WAEC syllabus for Geography which is the current academic session and work alongside the information provided in the syllabus as this would assist WAEC candidates to channel their energy towards the most likely examination questions.
The Geography syllabus for WAEC is simply a guide on how to approach the examination, what to expect in the examination and how the examination will be set so students are not caught unaware. Back in the days most especially in the early and late 90s when internet was a big deal, WAEC candidates could not place their hands WAEC syllabuses for any subject but it is a different case now because the internet has been flooded with such useful material for students to download at their comfort zones.
The current 2024 WAEC syllabus for Geography is largely required by students in SSS (Senior Secondary Schools) since they are preparing for their West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) however, this is not to rule out the fact that it cannot be used even before the exams, in fact having it on ground months before the examination is at the candidate’s advantage because it will serve as a guide and help you streamline your reading pattern and know where to focus your strength based on the topics and sub topics with the highest marks and lastly it would give you a list of recommended reading text books for Geography and their respective Authors.
Based on our online and offline poll findings, we have been able to draw a conclusion that more than 70% of potential WAEC candidates who stick to the WAEC syllabus for Geography usually come out in flying colours and in order to encourage them, we though it wise in taking extra steps in making this material available online for free in PDF Format, that is candidates can now download for free the 2024/2025 WAEC syllabus for Geography without any extra cost attached.
We have already made available on our blog the 2024/2025 WAEC syllabus for Government and Physics and other subjects and you can download them all for free too as they are all available for free in PDF format and it is most beneficial for science students. We are on the verge of making the WAEC syllabus for all subjects available but we shall be breaking them down in a systematic order for ease of understanding for candidates.
For the sake of this post, we will be providing the 2024 WAEC syllabus for Geography but let us make it clear to you that we have the WAEC syllabus for the following subjects;
- WAEC Syllabus for Literature in English 2024/2025 session
- WAEC 2024/2025 Syllabus for English Language
- 2024 WAEC Syllabus for Financial Accounting
- WAEC Syllabus for Biology 2024/2025 academic session
- WAEC syllabus for all Science subjects
- 2024 WAEC Syllabus for all Art Subjects
- WAEC Syllabus for all Commercial Subjects
WAEC Syllabus For Geography 2024/2025 Session
Having the 2024/2025 WAEC syllabus for Geography at your disposal alongside dedication to your studies, candidates are sure of being successful in the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination. For the sake of this post as said at the beginning of this write up, we will be making available for candidates, the approved 2024 WAEC syllabus for Geography below, we will give a summary of what the 2024 WAEC syllabus for Geography contains before providing a free PDF document download link containing details of what to expect in the coming examination.
This syllabus aims at assessing the candidates’ ability in the following areas;
- Explain in clear terms, the concepts of differential character and the spatial relationships of the surface features of the earth;
- Explain the concepts of man- environment relations (i.e. to analyze the life of man within his physical and cultural environments and to explain their interactions);
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the nature and functioning of physical and human environments, particularly an understanding of their inter-relationships and the resulting issues;
- Organize and formulate principles according to acquired geographical concepts and then apply these principles to interpret and analyze spatial problems in the immediate and wider environments;
- Demonstrate skills and techniques for accurate, orderly and objective geographical investigations to be carried out both in the classrooms and in the immediate environment;
- Communicate geographical ideas effectively through reports, graphs, charts, sketches, diagrams and maps;
- Explain the cultural, social and economic circumstances of people in their immediate environments and those of other countries within the sub-region.
Like other subjects, Geography examination will consist of about 3 papers; Papers 1, 2 and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.
PAPER 1: will consist of fifty objective questions to be taken in 1 hour for 50 marks. The questions will be drawn from topics in the syllabus that are common to all the member countries. Candidates will be required to attempt all the questions.
PAPER 2: This paper will contain nine essay-type questions out of which candidates will be required to answer four in 2 hours for 80 marks. It will be made up of two sections; Sections A and B for candidates in Nigeria and three sections; Sections A, B and C for candidates in Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and The Gambia.
Candidates in Nigeria will be required to attempt four questions in all, choosing two questions from each of Sections A and B.
Candidates in Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and The Gambia will be required to attempt four questions in all, choosing at least one question from each of Sections A, B and C.
PAPER 3: Element of Practical and Physical Geography
This section will consist of eight essay-type questions out of which candidates are to answer four in 1 hour 50 minutes for 70 marks. Question 1, on map reading and interpretation, will be compulsory for all candidates and will carry 25 marks while the other questions will carry 15 marks each.
Candidates are advised not to spend more than 35 minutes on Question 1. Candidates will be expected to bring graduated rulers (both metric and imperial), a complete mathematical set, a piece of string and a simple non-programmable calculator for use during the writing of the paper.
See below, the PDF file of 2024 WAEC Syllabus for Geography, you can download for free and share the link and documents with candidates that it would be beneficial to.
When you enter the above link, a preamble of the syllabus is the first information before you will see the aims and objective of the 2024/2025 WAEC syllabus for Geography, furthermore, a detailed marking scheme and marks allotted to various topics have also been described in the syllabus.
Lastly, the WAEC recommended text books for Geography is also made available, this helps candidates focus and align with what is expected of them in the examination which in turn makes marking easier for WAEC representatives.
We hope the above has been helpful so far? hence, you are satisfied with the information. Questions are however entertained here so if you have questions as regards the WAEC 2021 Syllabus for Geography, kindly get through to us through the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly. Please all WAEC candidates in Science and Commercial students should treat the above utmost seriousness as it is the approved WAEC syllabus for Geography for 2023/2024 academic session.
Best of luck to all students.